Notes contentsNotes to the company financial statements

9. Other reserves and retained earnings

All figures in £ millions Special
At 1 January 2007 447 884 1,331
Loss for the year (43) (43)
Dividends paid (238) (238)
Balance at 31 December 2007 447 603 1,050
Profit for the year 526 526
Currency translation differences on fair value hedges (6) (6)
Treasury shares released under employee share plans (31) (31)
Dividends paid (257) (257)
At 31 December 2008 447 835 1,282

The special reserve represents the cumulative effect of cancellation of the company’s share premium account.

Included within retained earnings in 2008 is an amount of £131m (2007: £131m) relating to profit on intra-group disposals that is not distributable.